
Sunday, May 13, 2007

8 hrs = Rs 1500 per day

join it here -- MONEY MONEY MONEY , juz register and install the cashfiesta toolbar and start earnin money . you will see the toolbar on top of your window . there will be a samll man standing or sitting on the right side of the toolbar u juz have 2 make him wali for that you juz have 2 click on him each time he sits thats all as he walks the points increases and ur amount also if u regularly do it 4r 6 hours a day u will earn 300$ juz by doin nothin beside dis u can do nething u wan2


Anonymous said...

how much time did u took to make dis cheque....n plzzz give some tips too

Anonymous said...

thanx yaar u rock its koooooooool and working

Anonymous said...

hi friend
just i have looked the website, but i noticed this is for US people only. Kindly clarify this inorder to signup.

thanks & regards

shyam_rocks said...

can u tell me what are the conversion rate at which the points displayed on the Cashfiesta toolbar in converted to dollar...

What are the other way to earn points....??other than just surfing by opening that toolbar...

On what the factors..does the increase...of points shown on toolbar depends....that if i sit ideal by connecting to net will the point increase...